[Mailman-Users] mail loops: list-request and vacation messages

Gunnar Evermann ge204 at eng.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jun 25 20:02:52 CEST 2001

I am running Mailman 2.0 and today had a slight problem with the

AFAICT what happened is:

Some guy send a request to list-request and left for holidays
activating some stupid vacation feature in his Mailer (Outlook). When
Mailman replied to the request message Outlook sent back not one but
two vacation messages [1] back to list-request. Mailman now couldn't
understand these messages and replied with one helpful error message
to each. Outlook responded with 4 vacation messages...

This got out of hand fairly quickly.

It would be nice if Mailman was more resistant to these mail loops
[2]. Any suggestions how to configure/fix it to avoid such things from
happening again?


[1]  utterly broken ones gratuitously encoded in base64, but that's
     not the point 
[2]  It would have been bad, even if Outlook had only send one reply
     per message, but the exponential growth made it more

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