[Mailman-Users] Strange Subscription Problem

Karl Austin karl at kdawebservices.com
Mon Jun 18 01:48:23 CEST 2001


We are experiencing a strange problem with some of the mailing lists that we
host and seen as I couldn't find an easy way to search your archives I
thought I would email.

The error occurs when someone tries to subscribe to a list, once they have
subscribed they get the confirmation email back, then when they reply to it
they receive this response:

This is an automated response.
There were problems with the email commands you sent to Mailman via the
administrative address <LISTNAME-request at domain.com>.
To obtain instructions on valid Mailman email commands, send email to
<LISTNAME-request at domain.com> with the word "help" in the subject line or in
the body of the message.
If you want to reach the human being that manages this mailing list, please
send your message to <LISTNAME-request at domain.com>.
The following is a detailed description of the problems.

***** confirm 680494
>>>>> Invalid confirmation number!
>>>>> Note that confirmation numbers expire 3 days after initial request.
>>>>> Please check date and number and try again, from the start if

This happens before 3 days have elapsed, it happens before 3 minutes have
even elapsed between the request and the confirmation.

I would be very grateful if you could shed some light on this problem.

Thank you,

Karl Austin
KDA Web Services Ltd.
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