[Mailman-Users] Looping post again!

Louiza louiza at home.com
Thu Jun 21 18:24:36 CEST 2001

Just wanted to say goodbye and thanks for your help. There's no 
reason for me remaining on this list, since yesterday, my webhost, 
NoMonthlyFees.com, deleted my main discussion list off my website 
without any warning to me at all. Apparently, they didn't approve of 
the content that the list focuses on and had moved my site and list 
to one of their older servers -- not doubt that was why I experienced 
the latest looping post problem and other problems, like missing mail 
and stuff.

If any of you ever come across this company, NoMonthlyFees.com, be 
forewarned -- they are a bunch of liars, cheats, and thieves. The 
content of my discussion list and website may be for adults only, but 
it is not about pornography, nor does it break any obscenity laws in 
the U.S. It is about loving adult relationships, though, most of them 
monogamous, and it is about sexuality, but loving, consensual issues 
having to do with BDSM, which I guess is too perverted a topic for 
them. They took my money, though, upfront, and I never hid what my 
website deals with -- I may be "perverted", but I am honest.

If anybody knows of an honorable webhost that doesn't mind decent 
adult content with nothing sleezy or indecent about it, please 
contact me in private.

Regards to you all,


louiza at home.com

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