[Mailman-Users] subscriber with bogus address

J.D. Laub mm at laubster.org
Tue Jun 19 20:10:28 CEST 2001

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the FAQ
or the list manager's documentation, and the mailman-users archives
aren't searchable.

I'm a list admin using 2.0beta6.  While making various attempts at
working around the lack of a user name attached to an email address,
on the Member Management page I subscribed
"foo at laubster.org (foo bar)" - INCLUDING the doublequotes.  The parser
seems to have broken on whitespace, and it actually subscribed
"foo at laubster.org - note the leading doublequote.

Now when I fire up the Membership list section, "foo at laubster.org shows
up with only the digest box checked, and when I hit "submit changes"
(even without making any), the page re-draws with an 'Error
Unsubscribing: foo at laubster.org' message at the top (note the missing
doublequote on the address).  I can click on that user & it brings me to
that user's Mailman options page, but when I try to have the password
mailed, the page redraws with nothing but 'Error Invalid options to CGI

I'd like to avoid bugging my site admin if at all possible.  He's
hosting my list for free, and I don't want to wear out my welcome.  If I
do have to pester him, the more explicit the instructions, the better.

And addressing my original problem: if anybody knows a backdoor way to
get a name attached to a subscriber's email address, please let me
know.  Some of my subscribers' addresses are pretty obscure.  I've
noticed this feature is on the Wishlist, but was trying to find a

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