[Mailman-Users] admin/script headers error again

Christopher Kolar ckolar at aurora.edu
Wed Jun 6 18:53:34 CEST 2001

Hello all.  I was looking through my archive of posts and, while this 
problem has come up with several users, I was never really able to find a 
solution.  I am running 2.0.5 and on occasions when a list owner is asked 
to approve a posting they get notification of an internal server error when 
submitting their approvals.  The apache log shows:

[Wed Jun  6 06:31:14 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: /usr/users/mailman/cgi-bin/admindb

Here are the weird parts:
    * Is is only happening on 3 of my ~40 lists.
    * It is only happening for one user
I checked, and there were no lock files around.  After getting the note 
from the user this morning I was able to go in myself and approve the 
postings with no problems.  Any suggestions?  Should I be looking into the 
user's browser doing anything weird with cookies, or check to see if they 
are logging out to close their admin sessions?  I am at a loss here and 
would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

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