[Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 2.1 alpha 2

Cal Evans cal at calevans.com
Sat Jul 14 16:12:20 CEST 2001

Forgive my ignorance on this one but I've got to ask:

I run mailman separately for each virtual domain I have by setting up a
separate installation each time.

-----BEGIN Original Message-----

        o The qrunner is no longer started from cron.  It is started
          by a Un*x init-style script called bin/mailmanctl (see
          below).  cron/qrunner has been removed.
        o bin/mailmanctl script added, which is used to start, stop,
          and restart the qrunner daemon.
-----END Original Message-----

Since It's no longer started from the cron, will it be able to have multiple
daemons running at the same time?


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