[Mailman-Users] Problems setting up Web interface for mm 2.0.1

James D Williams James.D.Williams at noaa.gov
Sat Jan 13 19:49:29 CET 2001

 I'm using python 2.0 and gcc 2.95.2.

 mailman 2.0.1 seemed to configure and install OK. The
 'check' program indicated no problems.

 The SMTP portion seems to work OK.

 QUESTION: How does one set up the Web interface to mailman???

 I followed all directions in the INSTALL file, but how does the
 mailman URL get activated???? Nothing in the documentation indicates

 After running 'newlist' to create a list, I received (via email)
 instructions about going to mailman/admin/<list> and
  mailman/listinfo/<list>. HOWEVER, neither of these directories/files
 was created. What gives??? Incidentally, I tried running 'newlist'
 as mailman and as root --- made no difference: these directories/files
 were never created.

 I think for those of us first-time installers, the documentation
 could be beefed up a bit to include more information about how
 the web interfaces get built (and WHERE the html files get placed).
 Or is there a bug here?

 Thanks for any assistance.

 --- Jim Williams
     NOAA/National Weather Service


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