[Mailman-Users] Mailman stop working

D.J. Atkinson dj at pcisys.net
Sat Jan 6 03:38:54 CET 2001

I had a similar experience a few weeks ago.  Turned out that there were
messages stuck in the mailman queue (~mailman/qfiles) that were causing
some problems because the queue was taking too long to process.
(Due to using SMTPDirect and some messages having STMP errors.)

If you look in ~mailman/qfiles and see many files there, AND your cron
jobs are still running, this is one possible cause.

In addition to carefully cleaning out the qfiles directory, I set the
following in ~mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py:


This shortens the time that messages will be kept in the mailman queue,
and increases the time that qrunner will run to keep processing files.

I've also been having to keep a very close eye on the queue to make sure
things keep moving.  When I see an address that causes files to build up
in the queue, I'll use the mmsitepass to go in and set that address to
nomail to keep it from getting worse.

[Its not ideal, but I'm hoping to hold out until they redo the qrunner
program to separate processing of new and bounced messages.]

I hope this helps with your problem..


On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Yann Forget wrote:

>Mailman stopped working on our server.
>There is no error messages in any log files.
>We have a dozen mailing lists. Mailman
>does answer any post whatsoever any more.
>Web interface still works. List creation
>and subscription requests work when sent
>from the Web page. But there is no answer
>after sending the confirmation mail.
>I still have such Postfix logs :
>Jan  6 03:01:23 bull postfix/local[29967]: C9B017E65: 
>to=<test-request at ynternet.org>, relay=local, delay=1, 
>status=sent ("| /var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test")
>Any idea where to start looking for ?
>Mailman-Users maillist  -  Mailman-Users at python.org

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Visit my web page at http://www.pcisys.net/~dj

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