[Mailman-Users] customizing verify.txt (confirmation messages).

Say It say_it_again at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 27 04:59:02 CET 2001

Hello, I'm using mailman1.1 (linux - debian) and have
multiple mailman lists setup.  I have one particular
list which needs to have the subscription confirmation
message customized.  

Background: the name of the particular list is not
descriptive of the company and neither is the
domainname, so when a user gets a confirmation request
to subscribe, they may not remember they had signed up
for that list. 

I looked around at my files and i see a verify.txt
file in /etc/mailman.  That appears to be the file
mailman uses to compose its email confirmation

The file looks like: 
We have received a request%(remote)s for subscription
of your email address, <%(email)s>, to the
%(listaddr)s mailing list.  To confirm ... 

I guess I could edit the verify.txt and customize it,
but I believe that would affect my other existing

Is there a way to customize it so that it only affects
that particular list and not the others?  Or, is there
some setting where you can tell a particular list to
use a different set of config files besides

And, on another note, does any one know how to "clone"
a list (not a user).  I'm setting up a bunch of lists
that all need the same preferences (archive off,
moderated, etc.).  The only difference is that the
name of the lists will be dfferent. Is there a way to
setup the lists so I don't have to go through all of
the admin html pages for each list?


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