[Mailman-Users] Mail headers with Mailman

Ed Lazor osmosis at atfantasy.com
Thu Feb 15 23:06:07 CET 2001

>Well, (a) it's a rarely-asked, not frequently-asked, question, and (b) it
>will slow adoption of the RFC.

If it's a rarely-asked question, then posting something for those who do 
ask should be seen as a step towards customer service and present no threat 
to adoption of the RFC.

I originally asked how to remove the extra headers and received close to 30 
responses attacking me for my stupidity in wanting to do such a thing and 
calling my members lazy and overly sensitive. This suggested I had asked a 
question people were tired of hearing.

Elly even got an earful, "Jeeze, I must be lucky, I only received 4 
messages telling me to educate my users. I got Mailman up and running about 
3 weeks ago and already I have had many complaints about the headers.".

Ultimately, if nothing changes, more people will continue to ask the 
question and those on the mailing list tired of hearing about it will grow 
more and more frustrated.  I'm trying to make an appeal towards helping 
resolve the situation.  What happens is up to you.


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