[Mailman-Users] Archiving problems

Ervin Németh airwin at inf.bme.hu
Tue Feb 13 12:47:54 CET 2001


After upgrading to mailman 2.0 we experienced the following problem:  The web
interface for the archives doesn't work.  The mbox is still accessible and
contains all the messages, but the summary is not generated.  The older
version of the summary is still there.  Creating a new mailing list doesn't
solve the problem.

I don't know if the following lines have something to do with the problem:

mailman at kempelen:~ % ls locks/                                            % 218
mailman at kempelen:~ % python -S cron/archive 2                             % 219
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cron/archive", line 55, in ?
    if level <= list.archive_update_frequency:
AttributeError: 'MailList' instance has no attribute 'archive_update_frequency'
zsh: exit 1     python -S cron/archive 2
mailman at kempelen:~ % ls locks/                                            % 220
test-l.lock  test-l.lock.kempelen.3252

Apparently the archiving procedure leaves a lock file.

The operating system is Solaris7.

Please help, we really need the archives.

Sanitas est thesaurus vitae maximus.

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