[Mailman-Users] How to? With Mailman.

MakeYourMillions at aol.com MakeYourMillions at aol.com
Mon Feb 12 18:12:57 CET 2001

I'm new to this, forgive me if you get this in error.

How can you use mailman to send to more than 300 emails?  I was let in on a 
secret of a fantastic product and since using it, I have been bombarded with 
thousands of emails from people who want the information, but I can't seem to 
be able to reach all of them to tell them about this excellent product.  Can 
any of you experts help?

The product is <a href="http://judejoseph.com/mymillion/">here:</a> for those 
interested. http://judejoseph.com/mymillion/


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