[Mailman-Users] Problem with mail address

John W Baxter jwblist at olympus.net
Tue Feb 6 22:24:35 CET 2001

At 19:22 +0100 2/6/01, Omar Walid Llorente wrote:

>	Hi, one of my lists admins had put on the Membership
>Management Section an incorrect mail address. Exactly what
>he put is:
>basanez at ioc.upc.es "luis
>and that is what shows the Membership page.

>	As far as i know this could modify the mailman behaviour
>(version i'm using is 1.1) because the " char. So i need two
>	1. Learn to modify the config.db database to correct the
>address (is impossible to unsubscribe this user through the
>normal method). Only appear first 3 of the 7 radial buttons
>(subscr, hide, nomail, ack, not metoo, digest, plain).

Well, the first checkbox is the subscr checkbox, which you say is
present...uncheck that and submit changes and the subscriber *may* be
removed.  On the other hand, the spaces and quote may prevent it.  Or
Mailman 1.1 may not work that way.

Are you saying you tried that and it failed?  Here, in a test list I
haven't gotten around to deleting (yet), I was able to add the above faulty
address.  It showed up without the
' "luis' and I was able to delete it fine by unchecking subscr for the
member and submitting changes.  Perhaps I didn't make the same error.
Perhaps Mailman 2.0 deals with the bad address better (I've never run 1.1).

John Baxter   jwblist at olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA

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