[Mailman-Users] Manually Setting Subscriber Passwords

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Tue Dec 18 05:31:31 CET 2001

On Monday 17 December 2001 17:38, Fieldus, Glenn wrote:

> Our subject lists are created automatically at the start of each
> semester, and students are required to be subscribed to the list for the
> duration of their enrollment in the subject. What needs to happen is that
> when a user changes their password, their Mailman password needs to
> change accordingly. Without going into the pros and cons of single
> sign-on authentication, (I don't get paid to make the decisions, I just
> carry them out), I am looking for a script that will perform the required
> change.

It sounds like the user is going to be subscribed automatically to the 
subject... and not allowed to unsubscribe.  If that is the case, then who 
the heck cares what their MM password is?

Assign each list some obscure password and as you add each user, use that 
password (or let MM create a random one for each user).  Don't mail the 
passwords out to folks.  Create your own interface to allow the users to 
manipulate their mail accounts allowing the only choice I'm sure you want 
them to have: digest or regular mail

Use as authentication the users one password.  In the background, pass any 
changes on to Mailman using the secret password of the list (or even just 
the admin password for the list).

You'll have to do a little work setting up your cgi, but its all fairly 
simple (especially if you use the exec option and just script it...).

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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