[Mailman-Users] struggling with "minor" mailman upgrade

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Dec 11 06:52:49 CET 2001

Over the past week I have upgraded several bits and pieces of the machine
from which I run a small number of Mailman-administered mailing lists.  Mail
still isn't flowing, the natives are getting restless, and I'm about to
throw my laptop out the window.  I'm hopeful someone here can steer me in
the right direction.

I am running Mandrake 8.1, sendmail 8.12.1 and mailman 2.0.8.  Any time I
try to post a message to the mailing list I get the following barf from

       ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu" 
        (reason: Service unavailable)
        (expanded from: cedu-admin )

       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
    smrsh: wrapper not available for sendmail programs
    554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

/usr/sbin/smrsh was compiled with /etc/smrsh as its CMDDIR, verified with
the strings command:

    # strings -a /usr/sbin/smrsh | egrep /etc

/etc/smrsh contains a link to /home/mailman/mail/wrapper:

    # ls -l /etc/smrsh/wrapper
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           26 Mar 14  2001 /etc/smrsh/wrapper -> /home/mailman/mail/wrapper*

which, when dereferenced, seems fine to me:

    # ls -lL /etc/smrsh/wrapper
    -rwxr-sr-x    1 skip     mailman     39212 Dec 10 13:41 /etc/smrsh/wrapper*

If I run the above wrapper command manually, it complains:

    # /home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu
    Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 0.  (Reconfigure to take 0?)

This I don't understand, because the program is clearly set gid to the
mailman group (which happens to be gid 70, not 12 or 0 - gid 12 is the mail
group).  Mailman was configured as

    ./configure  --with-mail-gid=mail --with-cgi-gid=nogroup

I tried configuring with-mail-gid=mailman instead and got:

       ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu" 
        (reason: 2)
        (expanded from: cedu-admin )

       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
    Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 70, GOT gid 12.  (Reconfigure to take 12?)
    554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2

FWIW, /usr/sbin/sendmail is setgid smmsp (gid == 25).  Should that be the

Before upgrading from Mandrake 7.2 to 8.1 I was happily using sendmail
8.12.0 and mailman 2.0.6.  After the upgrade I fell back to sendmail 8.11.6
and my problems began.  Today I installed sendmail 8.12.1 and upgraded to
mailman 2.0.8.

Any suggestions appreciated...

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)

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