[Mailman-Users] newlist without [Return]

Jon Carnes jonc at haht.com
Tue Dec 4 20:03:01 CET 2001

You can use a redirector to feed the [Return] into the command.  An example:
   newlist  mytest  myemail at domain.com  password  < /tmp/nl

Where the file /tmp/nl is simply a file with a few returns in it.


Usage: newlist [options] listname listadmin-addr admin-password


        Normally the administrator is notified by email (after a prompt)
        their list has been created.  This option suppresses that

    -o file
        Append the alias setting recommendations to file, in addition to
        printing them to standard output.

        Print this help text and exit.

You can specify as many of the arguments as you want on the command line.
The optional <immediate> argument, if present, means to send out the notice
immediately.  Otherwise, the script hangs pending input, to give time for
the person creating the list to customize it before sending the admin an
email notice about the existence of the new list.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonas Meurer" <jmeurer at gmx.de>
To: "mailman-users" <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:28 PM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] newlist without [Return]

> Hello,
> Can I use the script 'newlist' in another script?
> The problem is the [Return]. I wanna exec 'newlist ...'
> in a script if ... is ...
> So, is it possible to use mailman without pressing a
> key, only giving the command line?
> Thanks
>    Jonas
> --
> Black holes were created when God divided by 0.
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