[Mailman-Users] Message body is too big

Laurian Gridinoc laur at grapefruitdesign.com
Wed Aug 29 22:09:16 CEST 2001

Hi there,

After a bounce with:
"Reason:  Message body is too big: 1841456 bytes but there's a limit of
512 KB"

all my lists are dead, ven if I rejected the mail as admin; all the
mails come in by the wrapper, and no mail is sent.

I wiped the list with the original problem and recreated it from scratch
but no help.

Any ideas?


Laurian Gridinoc
Chief Web Developer
e-mail:		laur at grapefruitdesign.com
ICQ:		73831683
mobile:		+40 95 304379
voice/fax:	(032) 233068 (Romania)
voice/fax:	(646) 349-2916 (United States)
voice/fax:	(0845) 127-5996 (UK)
web:		www.grapefruitdesign.com

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