[Mailman-Users] Denying attachments

Jason Fesler jfesler at gigo.com
Sun Aug 19 19:02:33 CEST 2001

> I'm not looking to ban HTML -- too much review -- but I do want to stop
> any post with an attachment. I had a command
> "Content-Disposition:.*attachment" (without the quotes) but it doesn't
> seem to be doing me much good.

I'm doing things slightly different.


This gem strips the attachments, and *additionally* looks for the best
form of *plain text* it can get out of the message.  If it is ascii +
html, it keeps the ascii.  HTML only? no problem, it renders it to ascii.
In any event, what comes *out* has no attachments, and is *plain* ascii.
We haven't seen a single inappropriate (for *type* of content at least)
post hit the lists since.

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