Anyone? (was Re: [Mailman-Users] Two "newbie" questions...)

Marc MERLIN marc_news at
Thu Apr 19 19:58:46 CEST 2001

On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 10:10:44AM -0500, Pug Bainter wrote:
> Good Morning,
>   I am in the process of converting my site over from Majordomo to
>   Mailman. In the process I have hit two snags that I can't figure out
>   how to get around.
>   1) When adding all the members, they are getting one password per
>      list. This seems highly undesirable. Is there a way for a user, or
>      preferably the site administrator, to synchronize their passwords
>      for all the lists to be the same?
Unfortunately, no. If  the user subscribes,  yes, if you subscribe  them, no
(you'd have to write a program to modify the lists' config.db and change the
autogenerated passwords to set ones)
>   2) How can I setup an umbrella list with the following features:
>      1) The lists that it is an umbrella for only allow member posting
>      2) The umbrella is moderated
>      3) The umbrella posts through the lists once it is moderated *without*
>         the need for the list admin for each sub-list to approve it
>      4) The users only get *one* copy of the mail message
Yep, I do all that, but it required me to have mailman look at the envelope
sender for moderation instead of the header sender (prefered), and then in
the sub-lists, I was able to say that:
privacy/addresses accepted for posting: umbrella-name-admin at yourdomain
privacy/alias names: umbrella-name

Disable password reminders on umbrella, and set envelope sender froms in

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