[Mailman-Users] PLEASE READ: Proposed change in list policy

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Thu Apr 19 19:52:06 CEST 2001

Enough people are complaining about spam on this list, that I've
thought about it and I'm willing to change the policy to address it.
Specifically, I propose changing the policy so that only members of
this mailing list can post to it.

What this means for you: if you post messages to this list from
accounts other than the one you're subscribed with, or if you post
from multiple accounts, your legitimate messages can get held.  And
because I not entirely diligent in clearing the held backlog, they may
get held for a while.

The solution, although hackish, is easy: subscribe all the addresses
you plan on posting from.  Then set "nomail" for all addresses except
the one(s) you want to receive list postings.

This policy change will be considered experimental, and I intend on
looking at it again in 3 months to evaluate how well it's working.
The overriding principle though, is that this is /your/ list, so I
want to do what makes the most sense for you guys.

Unless you are strongly opposed to this change, you don't need to
respond, but if you do want to comment, please do so directly to me
(do not followup to the list, please!).  If there is no hoard of
opposition, I'll make the change on May 1 and we'll re-evaluate on
August 1 (801 day! :).


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