[Mailman-Users] Sendmail setup problem

Geert Altena geert at arago.utwente.nl
Fri Apr 13 18:00:02 CEST 2001

Quoting Dennis, <dennis at pipper.net>:
> Set up mailman (download current from web site) according to 
> INSTALL.    I'm running RH Linux with Sendmail 8.8.7
> The email for the list is going to the user email specified in the 
> /etc/aliases file which is my user dennis.
> Here is the /etc/aliases snip:
> mailman:            dennis
> mailman-owner:   mailman
> I added a list called test2
> here is the aliases snip for that:
> test2-admin:  mailman
> test2-request: mailman
> test2-owner:   mailman
> test2:  mailman

It looks like you did not create this "test2" list with the correct
Mailman script...
> I ran newaliases and restarted Sendmail.  What am I missing?

How did you create this new list? If Mailman is setup correctly, you create
a new list with the command /path/to/mailman-home/bin/newlist <listname>
and that will return a set of aliasses that you can insert into the 
appropriate alias-file (/etc/aliases most cases)

Here's a snippet from my alias file...

# Mailman aliasses
mailman: geert
mailman-owner: geert

## testing mailing list
## created: 06-Apr-2001 mailman
testing:             "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post testing"
testing-admin:       "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner testing"
testing-request:     "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd testing"
testing-owner:       testing-admin

Here you see that the various aliases point to the wrapper script that
handles the mailinglist sending/redistributing processes. These are
missing in your alias file.

Geert Altena | Geert at arago.utwente.nl | Coffee, black, no sugar
      Finger for PGPkey : Diffie-Hellman 2048/0xC540C550 
Prediction is difficult, especially of the future. - Niels Bohr

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