[Mailman-Users] Rude response! & I got my subscriber list

glennette at premiumwebdesign.com glennette at premiumwebdesign.com
Thu Apr 12 17:59:10 CEST 2001

I find your response somewhat offensive but thanks for the constructive part
at the beginning.
My email signature is not an ad.  I'm doing good to remember to send my
messages as plain text and now you expect me to remove my signature each
time???  When I first joined, I asked if there were any rules and not one
person responded so thank you but I'll be leaving my signature as it is
unless the list OWNER tells me to remove it.  Fortunately, I am not on this
list to get business!!!  I am here to help when I can and get help when I
need it but if I continue to get rude answers like this, I'll go elsewhere!

BY THE WAY, I got my subscriber list!!!  I figured it out on my own though!
All I had to do was send a message to the request address with a subject
line of "who" without the quotes.

Glennette  /\O/\

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-----Original Message-----
From: Roger B.A. Klorese [mailto:rogerk at QueerNet.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:40 AM
To: glennette at premiumwebdesign.com
Cc: jtrigg at huiekin.org; mailman-users at python.org
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] URGENT - how can I get a text list of

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 glennette at premiumwebdesign.com wrote:
> Is your list sending the message once every minute like mine is?  And it's
> not the complete message, only about 3/4 of it then the rest is cut off.

First, tell your so-called technicians to move the message out of the
queue directory (stopping the constant sending) and take a look at it.

Is there a dot on a line by itself at that point in the message?

If so, your MTA is misconfigured.

Second, please get that offensive ad off the bottom of your posts to this
and other information lists.  Not only is it unappropriate, we're starting
to be convinced that anyone whose so-called technicians can't delete a
file from a directory and kill a few processes doesn't really deserve the
rogerk at QueerNet.ORG
PO Box 14309		                                San Francisco, CA 94114
"There is only one real blasphemy -- the refusal of joy!"       -- Paul

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