[Mailman-Users] ** Same person on several lists - eliminate duplicates?

Gloria O'Rourke gloria at ixi.net
Tue Sep 26 00:10:07 CEST 2000


Could someone tell me how to handle the following situation?  Thanks!

Our office manages four different listservs.  John Doe might be on all four
of these lists.  When the same message needs to get out to all four of these
lists, John Doe gets four of the same message (because he has subscribed to
all four.)  This happens frequently with the groups we are working with.
Any suggestions?  Is there some way to eliminate the duplicates?

Thanks for any assistance,


Gloria O'Rourke, Deputy Director
Montana Rural Development Partners
118 E. Seventh St.; Suite 2A
Anaconda, MT   59711
ph:  406.563.5259  fx:  406.563.5476
gloria at ixi.net    http://www.mtrdp.org

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