[Mailman-Users] Getting a Subscriber List

Roger B.A. Klorese rogerk at QueerNet.ORG
Fri Sep 22 22:46:39 CEST 2000

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Dan Mick wrote:
> Did you see me arguing against documentation?

No, I didn't.  But in the absence of documentation, the only way one can
"look in the bin directory and figure it out yourself" is by reading
Python.  I see no reason literacy in the language a package is written in
should be the price of admission.

> I thought not.  Take your diatribes somewhere they'll do some good.  Better yet,
> write that documentation and submit it, so you're part of the solution.

Why should I not be F*R*E*E to be a user of the software without being a
programmer or tech writer?  The input of a non-developer user as to what's
needed must be respected in the open source process, as it is not
now; that's why we have such powerful, high-quality software that's
impossible to use. 

ROGER B.A. KLORESE                                          rogerk at QueerNet.ORG
PO Box 14309		                                San Francisco, CA 94114
"There is only one real blasphemy -- the refusal of joy!"       -- Paul Rudnick

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