[Mailman-Users] Getting Apache to let Mailman run...

Jeff Shultz jeff at shultzinfosystems.com
Wed Sep 13 07:13:56 CEST 2000

Okay - I kept pounding at it, and somehow now it works (this is after a
full afternoon and two reinstalls) with Apache. Now to see about taking
care of the Postfix problem - even with the solution mentioned in the
install instructions, I'm still getting: 
			The Postfix program

<test-request at taz.shultzinfosystems.com>: Command died with status 2:
    "/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test". Command output: Failure
to exec
    script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take 99?)

12 is the gid for "mail" (I configured --with-mail-gid=12) and 99 is
"nobody" (--with-cgi-gid=99). 

Guess I'll see if I got that alias file set up properly. 

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 21:35:09 -0700, Jeff Shultz wrote:

>Okay, I'm still in the neophyte category when it comes to most things on Linux. I'm running Mandrake 7.1 (with a lot of 
>updates), Apache 1.3.x (probably .9 - whatever came with Mandrake 7.1), postfix, and a few other odds and ends. This 
>machine is masqueraded to the internet, with the firewall portmapping anything that needs to get through. HTTP isn't one 
>of them -- my outside webserver is run on  another box entirely. 
>I'm installing Mailman for my own use - I don't need a web interface, but that seems to be the only way things go with 
>mailing lists. 
>Right now I'm trying to get Apache to allow me access to the cgi-bin stuff to run Mailman with. I've got the ScriptAlias 
>/mailman/ /home/mailman/cgi-bin/ line in the httpd.conf file (I've rebooted the machine several times, so I know it's 
>taken -- I'm having a serious mental block... what is the command in Linux to get a process like httpd to stop and restart, 
>rereading it's conf file?). I've added the following lines to httpd.conf:
><Directory /home/mailman/cgi-bin>
>Options ExecCgi FollowSymlinks
>AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options
>order allow,deny
>allow from all
>The above was basically copied intact from another cgi-bin directory entry (nothing in there to test, either). 
>But it keeps telling me that http://taz.shultzinfosystems.com:8080/mailman/ (and anything after this) is "Forbidden  You 
>don't have permission to access /mailman(etc) on this server" 
>I was able to send out a message with the newlist command... so that part works. 
>Any ideas? This is getting really frustrating.
>Jeff Shultz
>Shultz Infosystems
>Mailman-Users maillist  -  Mailman-Users at python.org

Jeff Shultz
Shultz Infosystems

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