[Mailman-Users] Cant get MailMan running with Postfix

Dave Camp dave at thinbits.com
Sun Sep 10 10:31:11 CEST 2000

I'm here because the FAQ for Mailman is woefully short and using the
recommended search facilities for this list turns up nothing... :-(

Anyways, I've got a fresh install of Postfix and Mailman and I cannot get
them to play well together. I get the following response from Postfix when I
send mail to mailman:

<test-request at timmy.thinbits.com>: Command died with status 2:
    "/usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test". Command output: Failure
to exec script. WANTED gid 501, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take 99?)

This tells me wrapper wanted to be gid 501, but was only able to be gid 99

I've gotten here with the following setup:

postfix runs as user postfix (502) and group postfix (502).
mailman runs as user mailman (501) and group mailman (501).
nobody is uid 99 and gid 99.

mailman was built with the following configure line:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mailman --with-mail-gid=501

The aliases for my list are in /etc/aliases.mailman owned by
mailman:mailman. Postfix's config file was updated to search there in
addition to the standard aliases file.

./bin/check_perms says everything is fine.

According to the docs, I've done what I need to (as I read them).

What did I goof up?


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