[Mailman-Users] IE auth problems

Pablo Alsina palsina at chasque.net
Tue May 30 19:11:49 CEST 2000

	I'm managing several lists now and are very happy with Mailman,
but I'm having problems with listadmins who use IE5. They are all bounced
back to the password promt screen after every submit, and the changes they
made on their list config does get lost.

	I (myself) use Netscape and does not have those problems. Using NS
or IE on the same machine produces the same results: IE fails, NS works.

	Searching for this problem on the list archives, I found messages
suggesting that time differences between MM server and browser client
could be a problem, but the they are almost identical (I even extended the
cookie timeout period), or that DEFAULT_URL should be as client sees it,
and it is.

Any suggestion?


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