[Mailman-Users] Some notes on mailman...

Fil fil at bok.net
Wed May 17 10:00:08 CEST 2000

* Chuq Von Rospach (chuqui at plaidworks.com) écrivait :
> 2) No way to force plain-text only. This is a MIME-capable server. 
> Priority: low (basically, text-only is dead. This will upset a small 
> minority of users, but it's true. The question is how to best manage 
> MIME content, not to reject it. If we have a case that requires 
> plain-text, there are de-mime scripts that can front-end the server 
> address and strip a MIME message to the text part.

Can you point to a good one ?

> 3) no -subscribe or -unsubscribe address. Priority: low. Majordomo 
> didn't do that, either, it was all my custom scripting. I can add 
> that in again.

I've hacked this as follows : in /etc/aliases, add

list-on: "|formail -I'Subject: subscribe'|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd list"
list-off: "|formail -I'Subject: unsubscribe'|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd list"

patching bin/newlist to do this is straightforward

Thanks for your text. I think you might consider this one also : when a
message needs moderation, having the server send a copy of the message to
the admins would be o so great. They could either correct what's wrong (a
silly attachment) and "bounce" the message back to the list, or go to the
admin page to approve/discard it.

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