[Mailman-Users] Virtual Domains

David Sexton david.sexton at sapphire.net
Wed Mar 8 16:48:07 CET 2000

"Sergio A. Murillo" wrote:
> I've been trying to configure Mailman to work with a virtual domain on a web
> server with serveral virtual domains. I read  William R. Dickson sugestion
> of installing a copy of mailman for each of the virtual domains.
> How do i do this?/?? I've been traying all week now and still no luck...

        This is the way I have it done (I'm not 100% certain of the
security/reliability of this but it has worked so far):

        I have one user set-up purely for mailman and mailman is
installed in
that user's directory & web space. All the administration for the lists
are done through this one URL (although it may be possible to put
wrappers around this).

        Onto the 'meat'...

        I'm assuming that you have set up the mail aliases and virtual
table in the following manner:-


        <list-name>@<domain>            list-<list-name>
        <list-name>-admin@<domain>      list-<list-name>-admin
        <list-name>-request@<domain>    list-<list-name>-request
        <list-name>-owner@<domain>      list-<list-name>-admin


        list-<list-name>:               "|wrapper post <list-name>"
        list-<list-name>-admin:         "|wrapper mailowner <list-name>"
        list-<list-name>-request:       "|wrapper mailcmd <list-name>"

        To change the domain of the list, you would go into the admin
and change the host name of the list. This will allow you to
successfully set-up & use list1 at domain1.com & list2 at domain2.com.

        Is this perfect? No.

        This would work until you needed two lists of the same 'name'
                announce at domain1.com and announce at domain2.com

        A workaround for this is to embed the domain name into the list
and create lists like the following:-
                domain1-com-announce  & domain2-com-announce

        This now looks really clunky as the list would be at
domain1-com-announce at domain1.com etc.

        But .. if you mangle the entries in virtusertable, incoming mail

        announce at domain1.com            list-domain1-com-announce
        announce at domain2.com            list-domain2-com-announce
                .. do a similar thing for the request & admin etc.

        list-domain1-com-announce:      "|wrapper post
        list-domain2-com-announce:      "|wrapper post
                <etc. etc>

        Now we're *almost* there. The addresses that mailman puts into
it sends out will contain the full list name
(domain2-com-announce at domain2) , not the short version you want. Back in
the mailman admin screens, there is a field that in the public name of a
list. It seems to indicate that mailman will use this name when
generating addresses but changing this only does half the job.

        I've hacked around a bit with MailList.py and got much better
If you apply the attached patch and change the 'public name' for the
lists, it should work.

        ** NOTE ** I have very little experience of Python (I'm a perler
heart) and almost no appreciation of the structure of Mailman so I
cannot guarrantee that these changes will not foul everything up. The
docs say that you should not change the public name of a list and,
although it is working so far, I am not totally sure of the implications
of this.

        Hope this helps,


David Sexton

Network Technician
Sapphire Technologies Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 1642 702100
Fax: +44 (0) 1642 702119

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Sapphire Technologies Ltd
-------------- next part --------------
--- MailList.py	Sat Oct 30 02:11:48 1999
+++ /home/sites/home/users/admin/MailList.py	Thu Feb  3 08:55:24 2000
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
                 self.members[string.lower(addr)] = addr
     def GetAdminEmail(self):
-        return '%s-admin@%s' % (self._internal_name, self.host_name)
+        return '%s-admin@%s' % (string.lower(self.real_name), self.host_name)
     def GetMemberAdminEmail(self, member):
         """Usually the member addr, but modified for umbrella lists.
@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@
         return None
     def GetRequestEmail(self):
-	return '%s-request@%s' % (self._internal_name, self.host_name)
+	return '%s-request@%s' % (string.lower(self.real_name), self.host_name)
     def GetListEmail(self):
-	return '%s@%s' % (self._internal_name, self.host_name)
+	return '%s@%s' % (string.lower(self.real_name), self.host_name)
     def GetListIdentifier(self):
         """Return the unique (RFC draft-chandhok-listid-02) identifier."""
         return ("%s <%s.%s>" %
-                (self.description, self._internal_name, self.host_name))
+                (self.description, string.lower(self.real_name), self.host_name))
     def GetRelativeScriptURL(self, script_name):
 	prefix = '../' * Utils.GetNestingLevel()

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