[Mailman-Users] please help URGENT

Scott R. Every scott at emji.net
Fri Jun 9 21:39:12 CEST 2000

I have mailman v2.0b2 with postfix as my MTA.
I have 2 lists, one with 5000 people and one with 20000 people.

when i approve the post, it just sits there and nothing happens for a long 
time.  eventually i get an error saying that the server is inaccessible.  I 
KNOW these lists are setup correctly as a mail to 5 users worked.

what i don't understand is why mailman dies for big lists.  i have another 
list of almost 1000 users that works just fine.  the only thing i can think 
of that's weird with these 2 lists is that there may be a lot of bad email 

How can I get this working?

The client absolutely HAS to get these sent out today.

PLEASE help, anyone...



Scott R. Every - mailto:scott at emji.net
EMJ Internet - http://www.emji.net
voice : 1-888-258-8959  fax : 1-919-363-4425

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