[Mailman-Users] Reminder Message

Bo Bankson (aka Postman77) postman at vs1.invsn.com
Wed Jun 7 19:32:43 CEST 2000

Hi there,

My most recent client demanded a mailing list setup that did this that and the
other, and so I installed Mailman on his server. : )

But even though I've heard of how great Mailman is for a while, I'e never actually
used it (nor have I ever programmed in Python). And we have one slight problem,
well, two problems.

1. How can we eliminate the message that is generated on the first of the month by
Mailman that tells you that you are subscribed to the list? We have a daytabase of
2600 + names that we are putting on this mailing list, and will be sending out
bi-weekly e-mails, so we definetly don't need to remind our users.

2. How can we edit the text of the other Mailman-generated e-mails? Such as "we
have received your post, and are reviewing it", and the subscribe confirmation
e-mail, etc? All I need is where that data is kept, and I can sic my programmer on

Thanks in advance,

Bo Bankson

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