[Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] rejected notice not sent out (latest CVS)

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at python.org
Mon Jun 5 18:36:37 CEST 2000

>>>>> "MC" == Mentor Cana <mentor at alb-net.com> writes:

    MC> In a case of rejecting a message, the rejected notice is not
    MC> sent out with the latest CVS. This happens independently if
    MC> the messages it changed or not.

Do you have dont_respond_to_post_requests turned on?  Try this patch.
I don't believe that Mailman should be conditionalizing on this
variable for reject notices (it is, and should be in Hold.py for the
actual hold message).


Index: ListAdmin.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/mailman/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -c -r1.37 ListAdmin.py
*** ListAdmin.py	2000/06/02 23:07:33	1.37
--- ListAdmin.py	2000/06/05 16:35:21
*** 188,196 ****
          elif value == 1:
              # Rejected
              rejection = 'Refused'
!             if not self.dont_respond_to_post_requests:
!                 self.__refuse('Posting of your message titled "%s"' % subject,
!                               sender, comment or '[No reason given]')
              assert value == 2
              # Discarded
--- 188,195 ----
          elif value == 1:
              # Rejected
              rejection = 'Refused'
!             self.__refuse('Posting of your message titled "%s"' % subject,
!                           sender, comment or '[No reason given]')
              assert value == 2
              # Discarded

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