[Mailman-Users] Re: mass delete

Jason Wright peewee at scc.mi.org
Fri Jun 2 07:28:13 CEST 2000

On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 07:24:12PM -0700, Dan Mick spewed forth:
> Clearly, you don't want them coming to you every day, but how
> often do you need to do "mass delete"?

Often enough that our overworked I.S. department couldn't give good
enough turnaround on them.  Which is why we gave them control over
subscriptions of these lists in the first place.
> If mass-delete is a common enough operation, it should be part of
> the web page, ideally, I agree.  I don't think it's very common;
> I think it's much more common to "remove 5 bozos", and the
> web page allows that nicely.

To be fair, a significant number of membership changes are removal of
bouncing addresses and I know that Mailman has features which will greatly
help in dealing with this.  I plan on moving my first good sized list
(8000 subscribers, half of them digest, open discussion, 50+ posts/day)
to Mailman relatively soon and once I do that I'll have a much better
feel for how well the bounce detection works.

It would still be nice to be able to enter addresses to unsubscribe into a
textbox rather than having to find the right checkbox.


email: peewee at scc.mi.org - useless: http://www.scc.mi.org/peewee/ -  efnet: Pwe
I said you were a state of mind, I believe. I said that if you ran very swiftly
and were acceptably violent, you would be admired. - "The Era of Great Numbers"

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