[Mailman-Users] Help with lists that contain lists

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at xcski.com
Tue Jul 25 21:27:56 CEST 2000

Quoting Mike Lagenour (mike.lagenour at vicinity.com):
> It seems that when someone here emails our staffing list, one of our lists
> that is a member of the staffing list adds itself to the subject along with
> the staffing list. Also it adds a footer to the page as well.
> Is there away of fixing this, what I think is funny there are two other list
> as members but they don't show up.

I'm willing to bet that what you're seeing is this:

List A has various members, including List B and List C.  It gets a
message, adds the headers and footers and subject stuff, and mails it to
all its members, including List B and List C.

List B gets this message, and adds *its* headers and footers and subject
stuff, and mails it to all its members.

List C gets this message, and adds *its* headers and footers and subject
stuff, and mails it to all its members.

You are a member of List B, so you see the message with headers
and footers and subject prefixes from List A and List B.  People who are
members of List C would see it with headers and footers and subject prefix
from List A and List C.

The only solution I've found for this is to make List A not have any
header or footer or subject prefix.

Unfortunately, this was much, much easier under Majordomo - "List A"
had a delivery alias that included the files which held the subscriber
lists for List B and List C.

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody
"I picked up a Magic 8-Ball the other day and it said 'Outlook not so
     good.' I said, 'Sure, but Microsoft still ships it.'" - unk.

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