[Mailman-Users] MHonArc question

Joseph Gray jgray at lcdfnm.org
Mon Jul 3 20:07:12 CEST 2000

Ok, two people have asked so far. Here is how I have MHonArc setup.

To start, edit your "mm_cfg.py" file to define the external archiver (yes, both lines are the same command). I got the "mkdir" idea
from someone else's posting. It didn't work w/o it:

mkdir -p /home/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s;/usr/local/bin/mhonarc -add
-outdir /home/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s -idxfname index.html
-nosaveresources -rcfile /home/mailman/mhonarc.mrc
mkdir -p /home/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s;/usr/local/bin/mhonarc -add
-outdir /home/mailman/archives/private/%(listname)s -idxfname index.html
-nosaveresources -rcfile /home/mailman/mhonarc.mrc

You will note from the above that "-rcfile" defines the location of the MHonArc resource file. Here is mine:

<!-- MHonArc Resource File -->
<!-- mhonarc.mrc 28 Jun 2000 Joe Gray -->

<!-- Set umask -->

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For an explaination of these settings, read the MHonArc documentation on Resources. They are explained fairly well. You just have to
figure out which ones you want to change. Note that I could have put the "idxfname" and "nosaveresources" options in the resource
file instead of in the command line. Most resources are this way.

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