[Mailman-Users] b3 password reminder wierdness?

Matthew Frost matthewf at orac.frost.net
Sat Jul 1 11:21:59 CEST 2000

I've come across some wierdness with beta3 and the monthly password

It seems the SMTP envelopes and some of the headers don't relate to
the list or lists that subscribers are being reminded about...

e.g. at home, I have a list called "sandpit" which this month's
password reminders have _all_ got as their SMTP envelopes, even people
who aren't on that list got the List-Id: set as that list's details...

Should this be the case?

Regards, Matthew

Matthew Frost                                         http://www.frost.org/
                                                   email: matthew at frost.org
                                                 "F Invalid file name, 10:1"

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