[Mailman-Users] Question about encoding of subject line

Feng-Cheng Chang u8811833 at cc.nctu.edu.tw
Mon Jan 3 03:00:50 CET 2000

    I'm currently using mailman under a mainly Chinese e-mail
    The reflector works great when forwarding the mail to all users.
    The problem is the mail archiver.
    When a mail with a Chinese subject line comes in, the archive web
    shows the subject like this:
        [Test] =?big5?B?pKSk5Q==?=
    Is there any way to solve this problem?
    I don't think make all users using English subjects is

I have two machines setting up for mailman:
1. Linux (Debian slink)
    Python 1.5.1
    mailman 1.0rc2
2. Linux (Debian potato)
    Python 1.5.2
    mailman 1.1

Both of them have the same problem.

If you have any information to solve the problem,
please tell me. Thank you.


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