[Mailman-Users] Setting a Reply-To?

Roberto Ullfig rullfig at uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 2 18:10:00 CET 2000

So what I've done to get this working (for a list called
robotest) is the following:

1. copied mail-wrapper.c to mail-wrapper2.c
2. replaced the string "post" with "post2"
3. compiled wrapper2
4. copied scripts/post to scripts/post2
5. modified scripts/post2 like so

### commented out all these lines
### if len(sys.argv) > 2:
###     # assert sys.argv[1] == 'fromusenet'
###     fromusenet = 1
### else:
fromusenet = 0


    msg = Message.IncomingMessage(text)
### added the following two lines
    if not msg.getheader('reply-to'):
        msg.headers.append('Reply-To: %s\n' % sys.argv[2] )

6. in /etc/aliases -

robotest: "|/opt/pkgs/mailman/mail/wrapper2 post2 robotest
rullfig at uchicago.edu"

Now all email sent to robotest will have a Reply-To field of
"rullfig at uchicago.edu" added if one doesn't already exist. I'm
not sure how post gets called from a news to mail gateway but it
shouldn't matter because post2 is only executed from
/etc/aliases, right? Commenting out the fromusenet=1 line
shouldn't matter I believe.

Anybody see any problems with this?

Roberto Ullfig : rullfig at uchicago.edu
Systems Administrator
Networking Services and Information Technologies
University of Chicago

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