[Mailman-Users] BIG FAT MESSY HEADERS, REPLY TO, and the problem with programmers.

Fred Craven fred at cffh.com
Sat Dec 9 20:30:35 CET 2000

>At 11:59 AM -0600 12/9/00, Fred Craven wrote:
>>The problem with programmers is that they don't think like the rest of us.
>thank you very much. I hadn't realized this.

It is a good thing they think differently.

>I'll go crawl back in my hole, and not bother the world with 
>anything in the future. Of course, if all programmers did this, oyu 
>wouldn't ahve any of our code to complain about would you?


>Fred, this is a bogus argument. It can just as easily be turned 
>around, and us "programmers who don't think like the rest of us" 
>complain about users who worry only about "what I want now", and 
>don't care about the important, longer-term issues of "how do we 
>make this better" and "how do we make sure it STAYS running in the 

My argument is not bogus. programmers look at every little detail and 
specification--everything has its place and a reason (subjective). 
End users look at their experience, how it feels (objective). This is 
one of the things that made, and Makes, the Macintosh platform (and 
it's copies) better for end users.

In the context of Mailman, the new headers in the email messages are 
a good thing, as are the various ways in which to reply (to sender, 
to list, to all, whatever), but if they cause confusion to the end 
user than they are a problem for the end user. If, however, there is 
an convenient way change the settings from an administrators 
perspective, then the end user is happy. It's still moving towards 
the future, just not at the same speed.


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