[Mailman-Users] moved server, mailman is broken

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at cu-portland.edu
Wed Aug 16 20:53:47 CEST 2000

ok, so I'm replying to myself, but I've got one more piece of information
for ya.  I found this in my spool hierarchy, and it SEEMS relevant, but I
don't know exactly what it means, nor why it's not working.  

Mhost map: lookup (cu-portland.edu): deferred
$_IDENT:root at list []
S<randy-admin at list>
RPFD:<rlundgren at cu-portland.edu>
H?P?Return-Path: <randy-admin at localhost.localdomain>
HReceived: from list (IDENT:root at list [])
        by localhost.localdomain (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA00689
        for <rlundgren at cu-portland.edu>; Wed, 16 Aug 2000 10:38:53 -0700
H?D?Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 10:38:53 -0700
H?M?Message-Id: <200008161738.KAA00689 at localhost.localdomain>
HSubject: Your new mailing list: randy
HFrom: mailman-owner at list
HTo: rlundgren at cu-portland.edu
HSender: randy-admin at list
HErrors-To: randy-admin at list
HX-BeenThere: randy at list
HX-Mailman-Version: 2.0beta4
HPrecedence: bulk
HList-Id:  <randy.list>

I don't understand the first six lines, but line seven seems to be where
something is broken.  Since that seems to be a name resolution problem, I
fired up nslookup on that machine.  I set the query type to mx, and then
asked it for information on cu-portland.edu, and it resolves properly, and
even finds the right server.  Any pointers on what I've broken are
appreciated.  Thanks,

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