[Mailman-Users] mailman won't archive

Virginia Beauregard virginia at texterity.com
Thu Aug 3 18:25:51 CEST 2000

> From: Jean Andre Vallery <JeanVallery at BicycleMessenger.com>
> Subject: [Mailman-Users] mailman won't archive

> We couldn't get the cron to write to the archive unless it was done
> manually. 

It would be incredibly helpful if we could get more information (for
example, is cron sending a error message back, and if so, what does it
say?), but I have two suggestions:

(1) Check the permissions in your archives directory.  On my system
    all the archive and mbox directories are mode 2775 (a+rx,og+w,setgid)
    and owned by mail:mailman (mail is the UID that my MTA runs as).
    bin/check_perms may help here
(2) Check your distribution of python.  If you are running RedHat Linux,
    upgrade to at least python-1.5.2-13. 
Virginia J. Beauregard                            virginia at texterity.com
UNIX Systems and Network Administrator                   Texterity, Inc.

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