[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

Dan Mick Dan.Mick at West.Sun.COM
Sat Apr 22 02:40:46 CEST 2000

> Okay, you recieve a mail with commands I tried that before. User commands.
> When you do: subscribe [admin-password] address=[address] he still asks
> for administrator approval.

Are you trying to say that when you subscribe a user with email,
the Mailman software still sends a request to the administrator to
approve the subscription?  Yes, of course, that's true...email
subscription is no different because of the user it's coming from.

If you're saying "is there a way to bypass that", well, no, no 
way that I know of.  You could always turn off any sort of approval,
do your email subscriptions, and then turn the approval back on.

You can batch-subscribe users from the admin web page, too, but you
can't give them passwords; I'm not sure if that bypasses the 
normal approval mechanism or not.

It would be nice to have a way to "batch-subscribe" users and be able
to give them a known password.

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