[Mailman-Users] Mailman and MHonArc ... again!

Guillermo Peris Ripolles peris at inf.uji.es
Mon Apr 17 17:19:01 CEST 2000


I am still trying to configure mailman so that the
external archiver used is MHonArc. It works, but I
have lost the previous configuration where the initial
page wan an idexed of months. Now, my initial archive
page is just the list of the mails (with a date header)
and there is no month index. Should I make some 
changes in mailman configuration, or in MHonArc? 
Waht changes?

Thank you for your help,	Guillermo
Guillermo Peris Ripolles.     
Unitat Pre-Dpt. d'Informatica  
Area de Llenguatges i Sistemes 
Universitat Jaume I           
Tfno: (964) 72 83 30         
e-mail: peris at inf.uji.es     
Web: http://www3.uji.es/~peris  (Nueva peich)

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