[Mailman-Users] add users by script

Ted Cabeen secabeen at pobox.com
Tue Apr 11 19:00:14 CEST 2000

In message <NDBBKPDKMKAOLAHMOKALEEAFCBAA.waynes at iexalt.net>, "Wayne Sitton" wri
>I have a server that users add themselves online.  I want to set up a script
>to add that user to my listserv(mailman) automatically.  Is there a script
>that will add users without having for them to answer a confirmation?  I
>know I can do it via the admin web interface, but I need to do it

Set the ALLOW_OPEN_SUBSCRIBES option in mm_cfg.py to 1 and you will enable 
the no confirmation option in the web interface.

Ted Cabeen           http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen         secabeen at pobox.com
Check Website or finger for PGP Public Key        secabeen at midway.uchicago.edu
"I have taken all knowledge to be my province." -F. Bacon   cococabeen at aol.com
"Human kind cannot bear very much reality."-T.S.Eliot 73126.626 at compuserve.com

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