[Mailman-Users] Error in Script bin/newlist ???

Konrad Heiss heiss.konrad at tauchmit.at
Sat Apr 8 23:30:36 CEST 2000


i have done each steps to install mailman from your helpfile INSTALL. Anything
ok, until I arrive point 6 (getting started). If I call bin/newlist (the same as
user konrad, root, mailman) I get following message:

root at hk10:/usr/local/mailman# bin/newlist
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "bin/newlist", line 40, in ?
    from Mailman import MailList
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 23, in ?
    import mm_cfg
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py", line 61
    Added changes of Defaults from Mailman-Addmin
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Additional Infos you can get from my server direct. I've opened the account as
user: gast
password: passw

mailman is installed in $Prefix = /usr/local/mailman

Please help, or send a tip, what to do ????
Thanks, Kuno

MfG Heiss Konrad                            Tel.Handy +43 676 3815432
Web privat:     office: http://www.tauchmit.at
get my public key from Server:           http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371

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