[Mailman-Users] our sad attempt to upgrade to 1.0 final

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at scansoft.com
Thu Sep 9 19:27:44 CEST 1999

Unfortunately, we're driving without a sysadmin.

we downloaded and unpacked 1.0 source into the same directory where our
1.0b10 source lives.

we cd'd into the 1.0 directory, ran configure and then ran make update

I have included the results of this command below.

The problem is, upon testing whether or not we were successful, I still see

HTML generated by Mailman v 1.0b10

on our web pages when I run commands using the web interface...

Please help!



[mailman at search ~/mailman-1.0]$ make update
Updating mailing list:  textbridge-win32
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  textbridge-mac
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  pagis
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  paperport-win32
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  paperport-mac
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  visual-explorer
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  pro-ocr
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  howdoi
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Updating mailing list:  french
- updating old private mbox file
- updating old public mbox file
Updating mailing list:  german
- updating old private mbox file
- updating old public mbox file
Updating mailing list:  spanish
- updating old private mbox file
- updating old public mbox file
Updating mailing list:  tb90international
- updating old private mbox file
- updating old public mbox file

You will need to manually update your mailing lists.
For each mailing list you need to copy the file templates/options.html

However, if you have edited this file via the Web interface, you will have
merge your changes into this file, otherwise you will lose your changes.

Steve Plante
Database Administrator
(plante at scansoft.com)

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