[Mailman-Users] Archives...

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Tue Oct 12 17:05:22 CEST 1999

>>>>> "DB" == David Bennett <ddt at discworld.imaginary.com> writes:

    DB> I seem to have a problem with my archives.  They have suddenly
    DB> started failing to log...  I had to move the entire mailman
    DB> tree onto another disk partition recently and suddenly the
    DB> archives stoped archiving.  The .mbox files do not grow and
    DB> nothing is written into the html piper logs either.  There are
    DB> no error messages...  Everything fails silently.

The paths to the archives are hard coded into config.db files.  Yes
this is bogus, but that's what happened.  Check the mailing list
archives (search them at http://www.python.org/search/) because I seem
to remember having posted a script to fix those paths.  It probably
makes sense to include such a script in the bin directory.


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