[Mailman-Users] Accessing list admin

Michael Stevens mstevens at imaginet.co.uk
Mon Oct 11 11:21:34 CEST 1999

On Sat, Oct 09, 1999 at 05:46:44PM +1000, Bek Oberin wrote:
> Sometimes when I try to access the list admin pages I get
> "internal server error" errors with the logs just showing:
> [Sat Oct  9 17:40:02 1999] [error] [client] Premature end
> of script headers: /usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/admin
> It seems to randomly happen when I try to access the pages from Netscape
> on my local machine, but NEVER if I telnet to the webserver machine and
> use lynx from there.
> Anybody got any ideas?

I've had this problem with netscape. It went away when I trashed my
cookies (bekj, skud suggested this on #perl when I was flailing around
looking for a mailman guru).

My theory is that mailman occasionally, for some reason can't
recognise it's own cookies, and segfaults while it is attempting this,
but it's only a guess.

(the system is almost all debian-stable, with a few bits of -unstable,
but the stable mailman).

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