[Mailman-Users] Commercial hosting for Mailman lists?

Christopher Schulte christopher at schulte.org
Tue Oct 5 21:54:06 CEST 1999

At 09:06 AM 10/5/99 -0400, you wrote:
 >as others have pointed out, there are an increasing number of ISPs that do
 >block port 25 access to all machines except for their relays.  Part of my
 >business is Internet infrastructure consulting and I have a fairly major
 >wholesale provider as one of my clients.  They are learning firsthand just
 >how bad "free" Internet access customers can be when it comes to
 >spamming.  They are in the process of locking down all of their pops and
 >forcing everyone to relay through their mail servers.

This is not just a spam deterrent.  It's also an easy way for the ISP's to 
add on mandatory tag line advertisements to their users' outbound email.

All you need to do is tell the local smtp client to connect to a non 
standard port on a remote server and mail relay is possible w/o the 
annoying ads.  The other side would of course need to be running smtp 
service on that specific non standard port, but it's a trivial issue to do 

Also, The Eudora email clients (at least the windows versions) have an 
undocumented feature which will allow you to SEND mail through the remote 
pop3 server once you have already authenticated yourself to it.  The remote 
server must be running the qualcomm pop3 server, I believe.  The unix 
version is free, and very popular in pop3 server land.

NAME: Christopher Schulte
MAIL: christopher at schulte.org
SITE: http://www.schulte.org/
FINGER(PGP): christopher at shell.schulte.org

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Every sound I hear is the sound of your voice.
Why are you haunting me?"
--Stabbing Westward Darkest Days

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