[Mailman-Users] HOWTO - EXTERNAL Archiver

Allen Bolderoff allen at gist.net.au
Mon Nov 29 17:33:58 CET 1999

This is the unofficial, 1st probably the last howto for using an External 
Archiver (specifically Mhonarc) with mailman (http://www.list.org)
it works for me, YMMV


1. Install mailman as per the installation instructions.

2. create a list as per the mailman instructions.  

3. edit $prefix/Mailman/mm.cfg.py and add the following line (or 2) 
substituting paths for something sane to you.

PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '(mkdir -p /home/sasmoa/archives/%(listname)s ; 
/usr/local/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add -umask 022 -outdir 
/home/sasmoa/archives/%(listname)s -multipg  -expireage 2592000 -idxsize 15 
-noauthsort -reverse -nothread -nosubsort -idxfname index.html -rcfile 
PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '(mkdir -p /home/sasmoa/archives/%(listname)s ; 
/usr/local/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add -umask 022 -outdir 
/home/sasmoa/archives/%(listname)s -multipg  -expireage 2592000 -idxsize 15 
-noauthsort -reverse -nothread -nosubsort -idxfname index.html -rcfile 

4. send message to list to test things.

5. edit $prefix/Mailman/mm.cfg.py and make the following variable point to 
your web site archive folder


6. make the web server mount the url in setp 5 with the value of the -outdir 
option form mhonarc in setp 3.

7. it should work.

Allen Bolderoff <allen at gist.net.au>
LNC - Redhat and Linux, help and commentary http://linux.netnerve.com
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here: http://www.coffee-tea-pots-cups.com/
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